grateful. this project has sparked something in me that i never could've imagined. big things to come. dream big right? -C
wow january has been a LOT. my mind is a crazy place. ideas flow from me and the sheer amount alone scares me. currently finding balance in chaos which feels like growth? im so beyond excited for all that i have planned and worked on already for this year. finally getting back to collaborations which i so badly missed. im also planning a move across country come spring. the pnw has always felt like home to me and i cannot wait for that to be a reality. i never thought id say it but im also excited for the strong potential of a lil storefront after i move as well. so much to look forward to. more soon. xx -C
holy busyyyyyy. glad to finally be getting back to some sort or normalcy. january actually drained everything from me. the magnitude of opportunity coming my way astounds me and really puts into perspective how much hard work does really pay off. collab w/ j in a couple days!! and then back to 1000's! i have so many fun mugs ideas im ready to make:) gotta run, chat soon. xx -C